Our Cross-Cultural Adventures
Hi Friends, I’m Zoe Mai.
I’m the brains behind this blog, Little Multilingual Minds. This is where we would share regularly inspiring ideas, learning activities, free printables, bilingual/multilingual books, useful resources, recommendations, and further information for you to teach and raise your bilingual/multilingual children.
The idea to start the Little Multilingual Minds blog was right after I gave birth to Mila, my little multilingual child.

To talk a little bit about my family, I am Vietnamese and so I can speak of course fluently Vietnamese (my mother tongue) and English (my second langue used mostly during my studying and working in New Zealand and Chile). My Chilean husband, Diego, is also multilingual. He can speak fluently in 4 languages which are his native language Aymara, Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
So we have decided to teach our little Mila to be a multilingual child from day one. We have been just homeschooling teaching l her a variety of fun, easy-to-learn curriculums, and activities that are related to learning languages. As we believe, the best way to learn languages is through playing and having fun.
Nothing is happier when you hear your little ones speak their first words to you in your language. Language is considered a tool for communication. Effective communication is the best way to create a strong and positive relationship and connection between you and your children.

However, the biggest challenge to raising a bilingual or multilingual child is keeping your child always excited and willing to speak minor languages that you want them to use to speak to you and your family members, instead of their surrounding language. If you ever feel that teaching and keeping many languages alive at the same time in your little ones’ brains are not easy, we are in the same boat.
That is why Little Multilingual Minds is established. I and my family/ Little Multilingual Minds team are here for you and support you in the long path to raising your bilingual or multilingual minds from an early age. Here, we share with you all activities, books, and many other educational printable materials that we are currently using to teach Mila languages at home.

Playing is the Best Way to Children Learn a New Language
We, Little Multilingual Minds, are very proud to provide young learners around the world with a variety of books, educational materials, and fun activities worksheets to help busy parents or teachers like you on teaching languages to your bilingual or multilingual child at home/classes.
Yes, even when you’re not fluent!
I’m so glad you stopped by Little Multilingual Minds,
and hope you’ll continue to come back and hang out.
xx~ Mila, Diego, and Zoe
@ LittleMultilingualMinds.com
The ways we learn a new language through play
Choose your target languages and select the best resources for your children now!